We provide a free initial consultation. If you cannot come to our offices in Burnaby, Surrey, Vancouver BC. Consult Lawyers prior to dealing with ICBC to know all your rights. If liability (who is at fault) is an issue, a thorough investigation of the accident scene is necessary.

If the damage to the vehicles involved is minor, ICBC may be denying your claim for compensation based on their Low Velocity Impact Collision Program.Consult Lawyers prior to dealing with ICBC to know all your rights. The thorough investigation of the accident scene is necessary.

If you are injured as a result of a car accident in BC and If you need medical care but cannot pay for it or have no health or accident insurance, we can help you find a DOCTOR or other MEDICAL SPECIALIST to document the nature and extent of your injuries.

Business needs lawyers who understand business, who
clearly communicate likely results and costs, and who
provide effective service at a cost that is proportional
to what is at stake.
Robbie has experience in business as well as practicing
law. After completing his Cambridge MBA in 2005, he
spent three years on a range of entrepreneurial and
consulting projects.
● Advised BP on changes to
their culture in the North Sea to better
manage costs
● Advised on a
commercialization strategy for a new gas
metering technology
● Business Development
Director for a Vancouver biotech start-up
● Business Development
Director for an online market intelligence
firm serving the gaming sector
Know Your Rights
* You have the right to legal counsel when dealing with
ICBC, the police, or anyone in authority.
* You have the right to understand the legal process.
* You have the right to a lawyer who will advocate for
what is most important to you.
Never accept a settlement, enter a plea, or make any
significant legal decision without consulting with
Vancouver Lawyers first. Our initial
consultation is always free, and not having it could
cost you dearly.
* You have the right to understand the legal process.
* You have the right to a lawyer who will advocate for what is most important to you.