We provide a free initial consultation. If you cannot come to our offices in Burnaby, Surrey, Vancouver BC. Consult Lawyers prior to dealing with ICBC to know all your rights. If liability (who is at fault) is an issue, a thorough investigation of the accident scene is necessary.

If the damage to the vehicles involved is minor, ICBC may be denying your claim for compensation based on their Low Velocity Impact Collision Program.Consult Lawyers prior to dealing with ICBC to know all your rights. The thorough investigation of the accident scene is necessary.

If you are injured as a result of a car accident in BC and If you need medical care but cannot pay for it or have no health or accident insurance, we can help you find a DOCTOR or other MEDICAL SPECIALIST to document the nature and extent of your injuries.

If you are buying or selling a business, I can walk
you through the process, and advise you of the scope of
the transaction and its likely cost. The value I bring
to this process is twofold. The first is the expertise I
have in helping clients through the negotiation process,
be it at the term sheet/letter of intent stage, or in
the later stages of the transaction. The second is my
expertise in assisting clients avoid the many danger
areas which take different forms during the negotiation
process and the papering of the transaction owing to the
fact that every transaction is unique.
* You have the right to understand the legal process.
* You have the right to a lawyer who will advocate for what is most important to you.