We provide a free initial consultation. If you cannot come to our offices in Burnaby, Surrey, Vancouver BC. Consult Lawyers prior to dealing with ICBC to know all your rights. If liability (who is at fault) is an issue, a thorough investigation of the accident scene is necessary.

If the damage to the vehicles involved is minor, ICBC may be denying your claim for compensation based on their Low Velocity Impact Collision Program.Consult Lawyers prior to dealing with ICBC to know all your rights. The thorough investigation of the accident scene is necessary.

If you are injured as a result of a car accident in BC and If you need medical care but cannot pay for it or have no health or accident insurance, we can help you find a DOCTOR or other MEDICAL SPECIALIST to document the nature and extent of your injuries.

We provide a free initial consultation.
If you cannot come to our offices in Nelson or Castlegar,
British Columbia, we can meet with you in the hospital
or at your home.
- 1. Straight talk. Straight action.
- 2. Regular communications and all telephone
calls/emails returned within 24 hours.
- 3. Treatment with the dignity and respect you
- 4. Education - explaining your rights and options. Helping you make decisions that work best for you.
Our goal is to help you heal – both physically and
emotionally. We want to let you move on past this
episode in your life with dignity and respect. Our focus
is on helping people move forward. Here is what we do:
Reduce Your Stress
The most important aspect of your claim is your health.
The added stress of dealing with ICBC and confusion
about how “it all works” is counter productive to you
getting better. Medical studies have shown that one of
the biggest obstacles to physical recovery is the level
of psychological stress a person is under. We are here
for you - to answer your questions and concerns by
someone who is totally on your side. Let us help carry
your load and deal with the ICBC headache.
Private Medical Specialists and Testing
While we always try and work with your doctors and the
public medical system, sometimes that is just not
enough. We will then arrange assessments with the best
specialists and private medical testing (MRI). First to
ensure you get the best medical care. Second to put your
claim forward in the best possible way with ICBC.
Know Your Rights. Know Your Options.
We see our job as being “educators”. Our job is to
explain how the system works, the options you have, the
pros and cons of each option. This allows you to make an
informed intelligent decision about how best to pursue
your claim. No two people are alike and therefore how we
deal with each claim is different. You will not be left
at the end of the day wondering “What was this all
about? What could I have done? What should I have do?”
Our job is to give you that peace of mind.
* You have the right to understand the legal process.
* You have the right to a lawyer who will advocate for what is most important to you.